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Hillwood Museum
Icon Room
Enamel in the Old Russian Style

Dozens of items in this room are made of silver gilt covered with multicolored enamel in a style imitating that of the 16th and 17th centuries. They were produced in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, when a wave of nationalism affected all the arts, which were often inspired by Russia's past. The two window sills provide an appropriate setting against the light for examples
of plique- a-jour enamel, which is translucent like stained glass The plique-a-jour technique was also used in a sanctuary lamp by the Grachev Brothers firm, a rival of Faberge, and in a tankard by Ovchinnikov, a firm that specialized in enamel. The silver gilt Easter eggs with multicolored enamel in the Old Russian style were turned out by leading Moscow craftsmen such as Ruckert and Khlebnikov.
Ковш 1908-1917 (клеймо кокошник справа 88 )
Из собрания музея Hillwood, Вашингтон США.

Многие миниатюры на изделиях Федора Рюккерта являются копиями популярных живописных полотен. Самыми популярными были работы К. Е. Маковскского и В.М.Васнецова.
В данном ковше деталь - миниатюра по мотивам картны Маковского "Боярский свадебный пир"