Enamel in the Old Russian Style
Dozens of items in this room are made of silver gilt covered with multicolored enamel in a style imitating that of the 16th and 17th centuries. They were produced in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, when a wave of nationalism affected all the arts, which were often inspired by Russia's past. The two window sills provide an appropriate setting against the light for examples of plique- a-jour enamel, which is translucent like stained glass The plique-a-jour technique was also used in a sanctuary lamp by the Grachev Brothers firm, a rival of Faberge, and in a tankard by Ovchinnikov, a firm that specialized in enamel. The silver gilt Easter eggs with multicolored enamel in the Old Russian style were turned out by leading Moscow craftsmen such as Ruckert and Khlebnikov.