Creator(s): Fabergé (Firm) , Fedor Rückert (Workmaster)
Currently in storage
About this object
The kovsh is flattish with a round bowl. The handle is almost triangular in shape with a scalloped edge. The figure of an Eastern rider on a white horse is enameled on a grey blue ground. Stylized flowers and leaves in rust, dark green and dark blue decorate the side of the kovsh on a slightly lighter grey blue ground. Interior, wires and base are gilded. Cloisonné enamel.
Object name: KOVSH
Made from: Silver -- silver gilt -- enamel
Made in: Moscow, Russia
Date made: 1908-1917
Size: 4.1 × 6 × 9.7 cm (1 5/8 × 2 3/8 × 3 13/16 in.)
Detailed information for this item
Catalog number: 15.216
Signature marks:
MARK 88 (silver content); kokoshnik facing right (1908-1917); Delta (for Moscow); K. Faberge in Cyrillic with imperial warrant struck over Rückert's mark [On bottom] SCRATCHED NUMBER 27461 [On bottom]
Credit line: Museum Purchase, 1990
https://hillwoodmuseum.org/collection/item/15.216?r=/collection/search?s=Fedor%20Rückert%20%28Work master%29&filter[maker]=maker