Работы Рюккерта, проданные на аукционе Кристис
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На Кристис
На 1998 г.
Аукционы 1998 года.
Номер лота

ch, 9060, New York, 1998-10-20

marked with the Cyrillic initials of Fedor Ruckert, Moscow, 1896-1908
Описание лота
The flask baluster shaped, on stepped domed foot with varicolor floral scrolls with plain border enclosing a band of orange lozenges on blue and green ground, the body with stylized blossoms with blue branches and foliate scrolls on cream ground, the lower part similarly decorated on green ground, the upper part with similar blossoms on pale blue ground within a border of gilt scrolls on red ground, the shaped neck with similar varicolor blossoms on pale green ground, the detachable domed cover with similar flowers with bud finial of stylized leaves and dark red, blue and green scrolls, the six cylindrical vodka cups with scroll handles, the bodies with stylized floral and foliate scrolls on reserves of pale and darker blue and red and green grounds, the bases with similar plique-e -jour decoration, the shaped circular tray on three compressed ball feet with waved rims, decorated with stylized blossoms and scrolls on pink ground with shaped circular reserves on green ground within similar border on red ground, each marked under base