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Heritage Auctions
Heritage Auctions
Dallas, TX, United States
Imperial Fabergé & Russian Works of Art

Dec 16, 2024,

82131: A Russian Plique-à-Jour, Guilloché, And Champlevé Enameled Gilt Silver Sherbet Cup

Estimate $8,000-$12,000

A Russian Plique-à-Jour, Guilloché, And Champlevé Enameled Gilt Silver Sherbet Cup With Stand Feodor Rückert, Moscow, 1899-1908, with scratched inventory number 1869C to cup and 9502 to stand 6-5/8 x 4-1/2 inches (16.8 x 11.4 cm) (cup) 7-1/2 inches (19.1 cm) (saucer) 625 grams

Freeman's Philadelphia, Estate of Joan R. Herschede, Cincinnati, Ohio, October 7, 2008, lot 857; John Atzbach Antiques, Bellevue, Washington, acquired from the above; Acquired from the above by the present owner. Two similar plates, also in green enamel with the same Tiffany & Co. inventory no. are in the collection of the Walters Art Museum (acc. nos. 44.848 and 44.849). See also a similar cup with the same Tiffany & Co. inventory number, but in purple rather than green sold Hindman, Chicago, May 15, 2005, lot 859. This inventory number appears to be in conformity with Tiffany & Co. number series Tif1.1869C to cup and Tif0.9502 to stand as discovered by Anna and Vincent Palmade. Please see their article published in this catalog, page 193. Heritage Auctions is grateful to Anna and Vincent Palmade for their assistance with the research of this lot. Masterpieces of Russian Enamel from an Important American Collection HID03101062020 © 2024 Heritage Auctions | All Rights Reserved