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Heritage Auctions
Heritage Auctions
Dallas, TX, United States
Imperial Fabergé & Russian Works of Art

Dec 16, 2024,

82071: A Russian Shaded Cloisonné Enameled Gilt Silver Cup and Cover

Estimate $150,000-$250,000

A Russian Shaded Cloisonné Enameled Gilt Silver Cup and Cover Khlebnikov, Feodor Rückert marks overstruck and partially effaced, Moscow, 1899-1908 14-5/8 x 5 inches (37.1 x 12.7 cm) 1256 grams


With A La Vieille Russie, New York; Joan Herschede, Cincinnati, Ohio, acquired from the above; Freeman's, Philadelphia, Fine English and Continental Furniture, Silver, and Decorative Arts, October 8, 2008, lot 862; John Atzbach Antiques, Bellevue, Washington, acquired from the above; Acquired from the above by the present owner. This extraordinary Feodor Rückert covered cup for the Khlebnikov firm is notable for the exceptional complexities of its form which present unusual challenges for the enameller. The use of multiple enameling techniques is also significant. Masterpieces of Russian Enamel from an Important American Collection HID03101062020 © 2024 Heritage Auctions | All Rights Reserved