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Discover the History of Dorotheum with an Exclusive Guided Tour
700 auctions per year, 40 categories, 100 experts and more than 300 years’ worth of experience.

Celebrating more than 300 years since its foundation in Vienna by Emperor Joseph I in 1707, Dorotheum is today the largest auction house in German-speaking Europe as well as a leader in central Europe and one of the oldest and largest auction houses in the world.

Having raised its profile following the most successful results in its history and a spate of top and world record prices at auction, Dorotheum has expanded internationally and we are now proud to have representative offices in Hamburg, Munich, Düsseldorf, Milan, Rome, London, Prague, and Brussels, all of which hold regular previews of the major auction items.

Palais Dorotheum
1010 Wien, Dorotheergasse 17

2014 г.
2015 г.
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2020 г.
2022 г.