Imperial Russian Silver Cloisonne Snuff Box by F.Ruckert
I offer a stunning imperial Russian silver snuff box with magnificently polychrome shaded enamel richly detailed and coloured foliage, so acanthus and geometric ornaments predominate in this little treasure, well marked on base, with the kokoshnik mark woman head looking left and maker mark ÔÐ (Feodor Ruckert). The cloisonné enamel is absolutely outstanding. Gilding in and outer side is perfect little loss on the bottom. All in very good-excellent museum condition
Fedor Ruckert Faberge workmaster Fedor Ruckert, Fedor Ruckert or Feodor Ruckert (1840-1917), born in Moscow, of German origin, made articles in Moscow in cloissone enamel. Faberge's Moscow signature often obliterates Ruckert's initials. Ruckert also sold his cloisonne objects independently, which explains why a number of his pieces bear no Faberge signature. His hallmarks: 'F.R.' in Russian Cyrillic.
A Faberge workmaster is a manufacturer who produces jewelry for the Faberge Co. These individuals, many of whom had headed their own firms before being merged into the Faberge establishment, presided over teams of craftsmen and were responsible for executing pieces conceived by the company's designers.
The house of Faberge was staffed with some of the finest goldsmiths and jewelers available. Interestingly enough, Peter Carl Faberge did not actually create any of the famous eggs that bear his name. The business was divided into several small workshops, each with its own specialty. In addition to the fabulous easter eggs, the workshop also produced table silver, jewelry, European-style trinkets, and Russian-style carvings.keywords: russland, russ. Russischer , russisches, emaille, email, emailiert, silber, 84, tabak dose, tabakdose, schnupftabak schnupftabakdose, silberdose, silber, dose, döschen, zar, la boîte, l'argent, la tabatière, le tabac à priser emballe, lemail, enameled, la boîte de pilule, russie, Russe, impérial, le tsar, la scatola, l'argento, smalti, il tabacco da fiuto imballa, lo smalto, l'enameled, la scatola di pillola, Russia, russo, imperiale, lo zar, a caixa, prata, fareja caixa, esmalte, enameled, caixa de pílula, Rússia, russo, imperial, czar, la caja, la plata, caja de rapé, esmalta, esmaltado, caja de píldora, Rusia, ruso, imperial, el zar
A case which is very collectable and a treasure for all collections and collectors.
Watch out for more wonderful silver items in our other auctions
COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: RussiaDATE: 1896-1908ARTIST: Feodor Ruckert MARKS: hallmarked 84 kokoshnik silver standard (.875/1000),
woman head looking left 1896-1908 assayer's mark
maker's mark ÔÐ (F.R) and another head markMATERIAL: Silver 875/1000, enamel, gilded inside and outside
MANUFACTURING TECHNIQUE: done with shaded enamel cloisonne technique handetched
CONDITION: hing and clasp is still working perfect no lose of the enamel no cracks or dents goldwash just on the bottom with little lose i would say very good museal condition
i show the condition very accurately in my pics. SIZE: 1inch= 2,54cm Size is 3.32 x 1.29 x 0.92 inches WEIGHT: 1oz. = 28,35 gr. Total weight is 3.68 oz. 105gr.
Starting bid: US $1,800.00
End time: Apr-13-08
Item location: Heidelberg, Germany