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На Bonhams
European Decor and Design, Part II, Featuring Russian Enamels and Silver From the Collection of James Lee Soffer Bonhams Skinner
8 – 19 October 2023, 12:00 EDT
Skinner Marlborough, Massachusetts

Sold for US$14,080 inc. premium

Russian 916 Silver and Cloisonne Enamel Bowl,

Moscow, 1899-1908, Feodor Ruckert, maker, 88 zolotnik standard, of compressed form, with raised oval lobes, each lobe enameled with a colorful stylized tulip against an iron red ground alternating with stylized fans in shades of peach, turquoise, & black, all reserved against bands of stylized foliage on cream or olive grounds, the upper rim with turquoise beaded border & finished with a gilt twisted cable band, dia., 5 1/2 in., approx. 9.70 troy oz.

John Atzbach Antiques
Soffer Collections