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На Bonhams
The Russian Sale
8 June 2016, 15:00 BST
London, New Bond Street

Lot 99*

A silver and enamel bowl with zoomorphic handles
Feodor Rückert, Moscow, 1908-1917, with scratched inventory number 15440

Sold for £16,250 inc. Premium

oval form on plain spreading foot, bulbous sides decorated with stylized blue cornflowers, varycolour poppies and berries in cloisonne enamel against pale green enameled background, all further enhanced with fine silver cross-hatching filigree, the sides are applied with realistically modeled wolf's heads, 88 standard
length with handles: 14cm (5 1/2in).


Acquired in America, c. 1940s
Thence by descent