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На Bonhams
The Russian Sale
28 November 2018, 15:00 GMT
London, New Bond Street

Lot 108

A rare and highly important silver-gilt and shaded enamel tray for calling cards

attributed to Fedor Rückert, with stamp of retailer Kurlyukov, Moscow, circa 1900

Sold for £193,750 inc. Premium

of shaped oval form, centred with exquisitely executed scene of "A Boyar Wedding Feast," after 1883 Konstantin Makovsky's masterpiece, rendered in shaded and painted enamel within fine twisted wires, with gold foil underneath translucent colours; the lobed borders enamelled with colourful foliage on grounds of sea green, red, pink and blue, front and back with a reserve of swans, sides mounted with high architectural handles decorated with scrolls in relief surmounted by a chrysoprase cabochons

43 x 23cm (16 7/8 x 9in).


Acquired by the present collector at Sotheby's, 26-28 April 2006, lot 279